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Natural remedies to prevent vomiting


Natural remedies to prevent vomiting

Here are some effective natural remedies you can use whenever you have a vomiting problem. Check out the details below.

Do you know how to prevent vomiting? One of the most common and unpleasant symptoms of everyday illness is vomiting and the feeling of being vomited. These symptoms usually occur with digestive problems, migraines, stress, or pregnancy . And sometimes it also comes with other uncomfortable symptoms, such as abdominal pain.

Whenever you feel nauseous, you will want a quick solution. However, lack of knowledge about this can make mistakes and make the problem worse. So, we want to share some useful information that will help you solve this problem.

Natural remedies to prevent vomiting


Ginger can improve blood flow to the stomach and reduce vomiting . The best way to do this is:

  1. Cut two pieces of ginger. Each is about the size of a coin.
  2. Boil 2 cups of water in a pot.
  3. When the water boils, add ginger.
  4. Lower the heat and bring to a boil.
  5. Turn off the heat and brew a little more before drinking.


Mint can reduce irritation to the gut and stomach  and kills bacteria. When using mint to prevent vomiting, no special preparation is required.

Simply wash a few mint leaves, then chew and swallow. Then the nausea will go away quickly. If you don't like chewing raw leaves, you can add a spoonful of dried mint leaves to 2 cups of hot water and brew for 30 minutes before drinking tea. Filter the leaves and drink slowly.

Another way to use mint, especially for abdominal pain, is to sprinkle mint essential oil on a cloth and gently rub it on your belly button.


Another effective and well-known remedy for nausea is lemon . Lemon is acidic, but it has been proven to help improve stomach problems by alkalizing the blood.

The best way to take advantage of this is to squeeze two medium lemons or limes into the water and drink them. Or, just smelling a lemon can relieve your nausea. Just cut the lemon in half and place it next to your nose.

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds are excellent for relieving nausea and improving digestion. At the same time, the seeds have antibacterial properties that help prevent and treat diarrhea or inflammation caused by the enteritis virus.

To make fennel seed tea, simply put the crushed seeds in a cup of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes. Drink 1 to 2 cups of this tea per day as needed. It is also helpful to chew a teaspoon of fennel seeds just like mint.


Cinnamon is very effective in reducing vomiting and getting rid of it completely . So if you have indigestion for some reason, cinnamon can be a big help.

Add half a tablespoon of cinnamon powder to a glass of water and boil. Then, when it cools to room temperature, drink the tea. You can add about half a tablespoon of sugar if you like.


Cumin stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes and can prevent vomiting. It's also easy to prepare, just put half a tablespoon of cumin seeds in hot water and cool before drinking.

Another way to use cumin is to mix half a tablespoon of cumin with a little nutmeg and add it to a cup of boiling water. Leave it on for a few minutes, then filter it out and drink when it's lukewarm. Another way is to mix a little cumin powder with cardamom powder and a tablespoon of honey.

Additional tips

Prevention is always best. Prevention here means that you shouldn't eat certain foods and drinks that often make you feel nauseous. Other tips include:

  • If you feel nauseous in the morning, eat a little and eat slowly. It is also good to rest for 10 to 15 minutes after eating.
  • Eat foods that contain carbohydrates, such as crackers or toast.
  • Extreme temperatures can increase vomiting, so eat foods at temperatures close to room temperature.
  • Don't drink too much water while eating. It is good to moisturize before and after meals.
  • Avoid soda, alcohol, or caffeine. Also, avoid acidic juices such as orange juice.
  • Drink room temperature water.

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