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10 fitness tips for you lazy

10 Fitness Tips For You Lazy


You want to exercise for a healthy life like a chimney, but you can't for various reasons.

If you can't take the time to exercise, why don't you try to find out how to reap the benefits of exercise in your usual way? The UK Daily Metro has introduced 10 fitness tips you can do in your daily life.

1. Exercise while watching your favorite TV show.
If you can't watch the program properly, try a short workout using advertising time. A short three-minute workout will give you a lot of exercise while you watch TV.

Try a sofa squat. Stand in front of the couch, get the right squat position (there are a lot of videos on YouTube to help you get your workout) and work out. You will do 100 enough in 2-3 minutes.
It's also a good idea to do sit-ups on the sofa or do a tricep exercise by holding the corner of the sofa.

2. Replace with exercise you enjoy in your daily life.
You can burn about 300 kcal of calories just by riding a bicycle for about 30 minutes a day. If you want to lose weight, get on fast. In just a few days, you can burn a ton of calories as well as strengthen your thigh muscles.

It is also a good idea to walk from the station to your home or office. It's been proven in numerous studies that an hour of exercise a day can have a positive effect on your mental health.

3. Do several things at the same time.  
You can burn calories while traveling to your destination or doing housework. For example, raising your legs while waiting in line, or stepping up and down while brushing your teeth can increase calorie burn. Squatting while waiting for the shower water to warm up, or playing loud music and dancing while cleaning is a good idea.

4. Use social media.
Use social media to manage your exercise needs. Follow fitness experts or future targets. Their updates will either remind or motivate your willingness to exercise.

5. Drink water often.
Drinking water often helps you burn more fat, which is effective for weight loss.

6. Get enough sleep.  
Sufficient sleep for 7 to 9 hours a day helps diet. When the time to go to bed and wake up are constant, the physiological rhythm acts regularly and fat is burned steadily. On the contrary, if you do not have enough time to sleep, the secretion of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite, increases, and you gain weight.

7. Eat homemade food.
This will help make your body healthy and slimmer. During the preparation and cooking of ingredients, you will use various muscles that you do not normally use, and you will be able to avoid unnecessary additives or ingredients that are not good for your body.

8. Exercise at your desk.
Modern people spend most of their time sitting at home and in front of their office desks, so make good use of this time. Have an iron bar or dumbbell that you can hang on the threshold of your desk. And use it in your spare time when checking emails, writing reports, or during conference calls. It is also effective to do sit-ups on your desk. Not only does it strengthen the muscles, but it also rejuvenates the lost work, increasing the productivity of the work.

9. Use the stairs.  
It is very simple to use the stairs for fitness and diet. Rather than using an elevator, you can also strengthen your leg muscles by going up and down the calculations.

10. Use your wrist when doing makeup.
Apply strength to your wrists while you are making up or grooming your hair. If you repeat it every day, you can strengthen your arm and shoulder muscles and increase your back muscles.

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