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5 exercises to stimulate your hips


5 exercises to stimulate your hips

If you've ever been to the gym, you may already know the exercises we're going to introduce today.

There are several hip strengthening exercises to stimulate your hips. This exercise can help your hips look pretty . If you want a hip-up and want to make your hips more elastic, try the exercises below!

If you've been to the gym before, you may already know the exercises we're introducing today. But if you don't know, don't worry! We'll explain it in as much detail as possible so that you can follow along at home and see the effect.

5 exercises to stimulate your hips

1. Squat

Squats are classic exercises and are great for strengthening your hips. If this is your first time doing squats, be sure to remember the correct posture. You can squat as if you were sitting in a transparent chair.

You shouldn't have knee pain when doing squats. If you have knee pain, it could mean that your knee is protruding from your toe. Or maybe you haven't kept your pelvis far enough away.

If you get used to the squat position, you can add weights as you exercise . You'll need a bar for some exercises, but you can also use a dumbbell if you have one.

Try to squat every time you do a squat. This is a great way to strengthen our hips. You can also do a sumo squat with your legs wider apart.

2. Backward lunge

You may already know the lunge, an exercise that is performed by lightly touching the floor with your knee. But if you want to strengthen your hips, try a backward lunge. At this time, you should always keep your back straight.

There are two ways to perform this exercise.

  • The first is to do a lunge by sending one leg back , alternating legs, and then sending the other leg back to do a lunge.
  • The second option (most popular) is to complete all reps with the first leg and then repeat the same with the other leg.

And I want to emphasize once again that you can add weights if you get used to the exercise. If you're making your hips elastic, you can use dumbbells or bars.

3. Lift the pelvis

This exercise has several names, but in this article I'm going to call it "Pelvic Lifting". First, lay your feet on the floor. And raise the pelvis as high as possible.

This video teaches you how to do a pelvic lift. Be careful not to stand on your toes at this time . Your feet should be completely flat on the ground. You can also do this exercise with your foot on an exercise ball, wall, or platform.

Likewise, you can add weights as you get used to the workout If you want more intense workouts, try adding weights by placing bar or weights on your belly.

4. Exercise with hands and feet on the floor

This exercise requires both hands and feet to touch the floor. This position allows you to strengthen your hip muscles through two different exercises. If so, let's look at what kind of exercise it is.

Lateral Abduction

  • With both hands and feet on the floor, lift one leg to the side to stimulate the hips.
  • The remaining legs should be bent and in their original position. As in the picture above, only one leg should be lifted to one side.

Leg lift

  • The next exercise you can do in this position is to lift your legs up.
  • At this time, the lifted leg should also be bent, and the hips should be tightly tightened to raise the leg as much as possible.

5. Deadlift

This exercise may seem to be of little help. But we have to lift heavy weights and lift them correctly to get good results.

  • To do a deadlift, you need to bend your knees slightly and position your pelvis slightly back.
  • With the weights in your hand, lower your torso to the floor a little and keep your back straight while looking straight ahead. Then start to stand upright.
  • As you climb, push your pelvis forward and straighten your legs.
  • Use your hip muscles to raise your body up. Some people perform deadlifts on the platform so they can start from a lower position for more intense workouts .

Have you ever tried one of the hip-stimulating exercises introduced above If you don't know how many times to repeat, you can do 12 reps. Especially when doing exercises that use heavy weights.

For other exercises, you can freely exercise by repeating 12 or more times.

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