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10 causes of hair loss


10 causes of hair loss

If one of the causes of hair loss today is related, and if thinning hair continues to fall out, consult a doctor immediately.

Today, let's find out what causes hair loss. Hair goes through a number of steps to grow, absorb nutrients, and fall out over time to make room for new hair. It is natural that 100 hairs per day are lost by this process However, excessive hair loss is not normal enough to reduce the volume of your hair noticeably.

People suffering from hair loss are greatly affected by hair loss when brushing their hair, wiping wet hair with a towel, or in various situations where they touch their hair.

When hair loss becomes severe, a part with an empty head will appear. In addition to aesthetic issues, hair loss has a great impact on self-esteem.

For treatment, you must first know the cause of hair loss. Only then can hair loss be effectively managed.

10 causes of hair loss

Excessive hair loss occurs when a hair follicle changes.

1. Long-term stress

Long-term stress is one of the possible causes of hair loss. Hair loss increases the secretion of  cortisol , which negatively affects the health of the hair.

2. Specific drug treatment

There are many medications that are accompanied by excessive hair  loss. If the following medications are continued for a long period of time, the hair follicles become weak and the hair will fall out.

  • Chemotherapy
  • Blood pressure medication
  • Drugs for Parkinson's Disease and Cardiovascular Disease

3. Iron deficiency

A major cause of hair loss is anemia caused by iron deficiency. Low iron levels in the blood make the hair thinner by preventing the capillaries from receiving the oxygen they need.

4. Excess sebum secretion

For strong and healthy hair, natural sebum must be secreted stably. If the sebaceous glands secrete excess oil, a variety of problems can arise.

As sebum accumulates in the hair follicles, it blocks the supply of oxygen and nutrients. It also makes dandruff.

5. Scalp infection

The scalp is one of the weakest parts of the body. If not managed well, you can suffer from bacterial or fungal infections .

These infections not only injure the hair follicles, but can also lead to allergies and other increased production.

6. Drinking and Smoking

Toxins in alcohol and tobacco reduce the donation of blood to hair follicles. Frequent consumption of alcohol and tobacco causes gradual damage to cells and increases the risk of excessive hair loss.

7. Specific diseases

There are many chronic diseases that cause hair loss. These diseases are caused by weakened immunity or problems absorbing nutrients, and can weaken hair.

Diseases that commonly cause hair loss are as follows.

  • Thyroid secretion problems
  • Lupus disease
  • syphilis
  • cancer
  • Autoimmune disease

8. Androgen alopecia

It is difficult to explain the exact cause of androgen alopecia. However, this disease is common in patients with autoimmune diseases.

Androgen alopecia causes hair loss in certain parts of the patient's body, and most of them have a small, round shape.

Androgen alopecia affects both men and women of all ages and is more common in young children and adolescents.

10. Hormonal changes

Hair loss caused by hormonal changes is more common in women. It occurs before or after pregnancy or menopause.

Hair loss caused by hormonal changes is a temporary symptom that naturally stops when hormone secretion returns to its original state. Hair loss can occur in people taking birth control pills or in patients with hormone therapy.

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