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8 tips for treating asthma and controlling symptoms


8 tips for treating asthma and controlling symptoms

Patients with asthma must avoid tobacco smoke-filled environments and violent activities that can cause seizures.

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease caused by the tightening of the bronchi, the passage through which air passes through the lungs . People with asthma experience severe blockages that cause shortness of breath, chronic cough, wheezing, and other symptoms that reduce quality of life. In this article, let's look at 8 tips for treating asthma and controlling symptoms.

Some people may have minor sporadic discomfort, while others suffer chronically and may endanger their lives from asthma attacks.

So who will suffer from this disease? And how can you control it? The disease can exhibit varying degrees of severity over time. Therefore, patients must take good care of themselves to complement the treatment.

People suffering from asthma

The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that nearly 5% of the world's population, or 235 million people , suffers from asthma.

People of all ages get asthma, but the disease is more common among children. The exact cause is unknown, but possible environmental and genetic factors appear to have an effect.

Risk factor

Asthma attacks can result from exposure to irritants or substances that trigger an allergic reaction. It can also usually be caused by respiratory problems or excessive physical activity.

The related factors are as follows.

  • Airborne allergens (dust, pollen, mites, pet hair, etc.)
  • Respiratory infections, such as flu or cold
  • Physical exercise
  • Excessively cold air
  • Contaminated air (cigarette smoke, etc.)
  • Drugs such as beta blockers, aspirin, or ibuprofen
  • Strong emotions or stress
  • Acid reflux

Tips for Controlling Asthma Symptoms

Asthma is a chronic and unpredictable disease. Therefore, it is advisable to get the right treatment through medical management and evaluate possible complications.

In addition, all patients should take steps to prevent an asthma attack. If so, let's take a look at some of the key recommendations below.

1. Avoid exposure to allergens

Asthma sufferers should adhere to an environment free of substances that can aggravate their symptoms.

  • It is important to avoid dust, mites, animal hair, or other identified allergens.

2. Let's do breathing exercises

Many asthmatic sufferers should avoid strenuous exercise. Nonetheless, if your symptoms get worse, it's best to learn some breathing exercises to control your anxiety.

3. Avoid smoking

Cigarette smoke is one of the leading causes of asthma. Therefore , it is important to avoid smoking or exposure to cigarette smoke.

4. Be careful when playing sports

There are sports that are recommended for asthma sufferers. Swimming and exercise in warm, confined spaces are particularly recommended.

The important thing is to be evaluated first to avoid engaging in harmful activities .

5. Let's take medicine

One mistake many asthma sufferers make is not to take medicine when they are not asymptomatic.

  • It is really important to follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor to improve your quality of life .

6. Don't self-prescribe

Be careful! Self-prescription can cause side effects, especially if you are already taking other drugs .

Before taking any other medicines, it is basic to consult your doctor first.

7. Use a suitable inhaler

Proper use of an inhaler is important to combat asthma attacks. Of course, your doctor will show you how to use it, but here is a brief explanation of how to use the inhaler.

  • Open the inhaler and prepare by shaking or twisting.
  • Exhale, hold your breath, and put the inhaler in your mouth.
  • Take a deep breath and hold your breath for 5 to 10 seconds. Then return to normal breathing.

    Note: If your inhaler contains corticoids, it's best to rinse your mouth later.

    8. Let's get regular checkups

    Regular checkups by specialists can be key to preventing health complications. Therefore, you should consult with pneumonia in order to perform spirometry tests on a regular basis 

    How to deal with an asthma attack

    An asthma attack can be a surprise and be a big concern for the viewer as well as the patient. However, it is very important to be calm and act quickly.

    • If you have an inhaler, use it as soon as possible.
    • If your doctor recommends another medicine, take it as soon as possible.
    • Loosen clothes to avoid choking .
    • Control your breathing.

    If your symptoms do not improve, you should go to the emergency room. Sometimes professional intervention may be required.

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